
Change the email for teamviewer license
Change the email for teamviewer license

change the email for teamviewer license

This entry forces every other machine with the same ID to renew it. MIDForceUpdate tells the Teamviewer server that the machine XYZ has the ID XXX-XXX-XXX. start Teamviewer – now Teamviewer should renew the ID.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer\VersionXĭelete the VersionX (e.g. Only if Teamviewer was executed and/or installed follow these steps: With servicecamp, you dont need to change your current support email addresses, so there is no need to communicate a new address to your customers. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer\VersionX\ I got this Solution from the Teamviewer Support! There are many tutorials on the internet that shows how to change a Teamviewer ID after cloning a VM but i found no instruction that shows me how to keep the ID on the original machine and change the ID on the new VM – without deleting any registry keys. But now they can no longer use the remote control feature.

change the email for teamviewer license

Today the user is receiving the message in their console, 'Trial version expired.' The users is logged into the computers & contacts pane, so they can see all of the other computers. How to change TeamViewer ID after cloning We have purchased Teamviewer and are licensed for this usage.

Change the email for teamviewer license